Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sharing A Pet Commuter Hatred

OK commuters, who shares my peave?

School kids sitting on crowded trains.

Today on the 7:24 from Seven Hills I see a Meriden girl- a poor little rich girl, a) in the disabled seat and, b) not giving that seat to standing / paying passengers.

Do they not care? Do they not know? Is this GenZ-typical behaviour? There was a (seemingly unsuccessful) poster campaign last year on how school kids should behave in public (transport). I seem to remember there being a clause on the terms of the travel-pass about losing it if in breech of the other terms which included GIVING UP YOUR SEAT TO PAYING PASSENGERS!!

I have in occasion taken photos of offenders and mailed them to their principals but taking photos of school kids is just a tad creepy. And it obviously does not change things.
I have yelled at two girls but that generates conflict (except on that occasion- while the question remains "who are you, the train police?" the answer comes from someone who HAS a seat and while dirty stares might be as misconstrued as the photos, it seems to be the only thing left.

So what to do? I've written to mX (for the good THAT does), I've written to schools (my Alma Mater responded quite positively), but it still happens. Let's see what Social Media does.

03 Jun 14

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