Monday, July 4, 2011

Carrot, Rosemary & Zucchini Muffins

Baked by me from a recipe at


  1. As I didn't have a muffin tray, I put the mixture in a cake / slice tray and cooked it for an extra 10min
  2. As I didn't have wholemeal flour, I just used plain flour
  3. I didn't actually grate the carrots and zucchini; I shredded them using a potato peeler
  4. I took the opening-paragraph suggestion of using chives instead of rosemary, because I'm not a big fan of the lest-we-forget herb. 
But it turned out pretty OK - It wasn't what I expected: I don't really know what I expected to be honest, but it tastes like quiche. I cut it into small slice-sized pieces and it's packed nicely into a 1.3l Systema box.

Was considering taking it to work but there's only a couple of people I would want to share it with; also considered giving it to mrs_g to take to her gathering tomorrow. 

Or maybe I'll just keep it in the fridge and we can have it for morning / afternoon tea for the week. 

My rating - 6/10: not bad for a first effort

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